Anal sex technique and position

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15 Anal Sex Positions To Try, From Beginner To Advanced

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First Time Anal - Best Sex Positions

Making sure anal sex is always a fun and pleasurable experience with your man is important if you want to keep your sex life hot. Side Note: I put together this in-depth assesment that will uncover just how good you are at giving oral sex and satisfying your man. It may uncover some uncomfortable truths, or you may discover that you are already a queen at giving blow jobs. Just like there are a ton of different ways to give your man a good blow job , there are also a lot of fun and pleasurable anal sex positions to try with your man! So if you are looking for a new one, try these…. Listen to more podcast episodes here. If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually obsessed with you, then you can learn these sex techniques in my private and discreet newsletter.
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12 Mind-Blowing Anal Sex Positions

Katy Thorn September 24, For as long as there have been people, there have been people having sex. And for as long as there have been people having sex, there have been hundreds of positions devised to do it in. A quick glance at the Kama Sutra — a veritable compendium of penetrative positions — shows us that there is more than one way to skin a cat. For all of these different positions we could name and describe off the top of our heads, it is still surprising how few people know when it comes to anal sex positions.
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