Hormone therapy for sex drive men

The endocrine system plays a critical role in human reproduction and sexuality. In men, the testes testicles produce testosterone, a hormone that brings about the physical changes that transform a boy into an adult male. Throughout life, testosterone helps maintain muscle and bone mass, sperm production, and sex drive. Women's ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, hormones responsible for female development and maintaining pregnancy. If you have a reproductive health problem, the first step towards resolving it is getting an accurate diagnosis. After a diagnosis, your doctor will describe your treatment options.
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Men's Health | Hormone Health Network

What is male hormone replacement therapy? Why would a doctor recommend male hormone replacement therapy? What does male hormone replacement therapy involve? What are the side effects of male hormone replacement therapy? In male hormone replacement therapy, a man is given testosterone, the hormone responsible for developing the male sex organs and producing male characteristics such as facial hair and muscularity.
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Endocrinologic Control of Men's Sexual Desire and Arousal/Erection.

A person may experience a decreased libido from time to time during their lifetime, and for a variety of reasons. This could stem from being hit with a bout of stress, having a few late nights in a row or coming down with the flu. But while this ebbs and flows depending on the circumstances, there are times when a sudden decreased sex drive can be a cause for concern. Sleep disorders, vitamin deficiencies and other health conditions can all affect your sex life.
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Erectile dysfunction ED and decreased libido are common complaints in the older male population. Recent studies have elucidated the role testosterone therapy TTh can play in men with low testosterone levels. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of these findings and the utility of TTh. We specifically examine the role of TTh on erectile function, co-administration with phosphodiesterase type 5 PDE5 inhibitors, and libido.
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