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I had boozy incredible sex with my wife's best friend and now I feel so ashamed — should I confess?

Signs of infidelity in a relationship aren't always visible. If however, you feel that your wife has betrayed you by cheating, read through this article carefully. We'll cover over different signs to look out for if you suspect your wife or girlfriend is having a affair or secretly seeing someone else behind your back. Was this helpful? Yes No I need help. Women who use social media apps to cheat tend to enjoy the fact that the affair is taking place secretly, yet at the same time right in front of you.
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Cut the bitch off. Move on with your life, the "potential" pussy is never worth the time and attention you wasted. No they aren't. I get along so much better with my wife, and women in general when I finally figured out that they aren't real people worthy of being taken seriously. I honestly don't know a single woman whose company I would seek out if they did not have a vagina.
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