After several positive experiences with sucking dick, including swallowing, I started going to the adult bookstore once or twice a month. As always, I would stop at some obscure spot and change into my female clothes. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me when I tell these stories. Yes, I live with two sexy people, Tracy and Buck.
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This is my "The Girl Series of Stories. Most of them are less than 4, words, but the occasional one may run over and a few are very short, less than 2, words. I will add new ones to the top of the index from time to time, and repost. I hope you will enjoy them, and thanks for reading. Jeff catches a glimpse of a young girl's knickers on the train ride home.
Disclaimer: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in this story are fictional. No part of this story is associated with real-life incidents. This is the first chapter of a brand new story. Though the character names are same as my old stories, none of them is linked to my previous stories.