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News is a nonprofit independent media publication. Your tax-deductible contribution helps support our research, reporting, and analysis. As a sexuality educator, I spend most of my time helping parents understand how to talk with their children and teenagers about sex, sexuality, gender, and all of the myriad issues that go along with those things. One question that parents often ask me is how to make sure their teenagers are ready to have sex.
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For Teens: How to Make Healthy Decisions About Sex

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Kids' Health - Topics - Sexual feelings - info for children

Skip navigation! Story from Sex. You get to decide what "counts. It's a social construct we made up, and the person you are after sex after is the same as before sex, just like you're the same person before an after you ate ice cream for the first time. That said, you don't want to get a brain freeze the first time you eat ice cream. And you probably want your first time having sex , whatever that means to you, to be fun and pleasurable for both you and your partner.
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9 Tips For Your First Time Having Sex

Home Sexual Health. There were some gender differences though: Women were more likely to have sex dreams about politicians, celebrities, or their exes while men were more likely to dream about having sex with multiple partners at once. Check out these sex facts about committed couples.
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Thinking about your own body, the way it is changing and the many thoughts and feelings you are having during puberty can make you 'feel sexy'. Learning how to manage these sexual feelings isn't easy; it is all part of growing up. As you reach puberty, there are lots of changes happening in your body that may affect your daily lives, your feelings, your relationships with others and how you see yourself. Life can be pretty confusing as you deal with these changes but it can also be exciting and wonderful. The sex hormones your body is producing may cause you to have sexual feelings.
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