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The 15 certificate was introduced by the British Board of Film Censors on 1 November , following an overhaul of its classifications as recommended by the Williams Committee. It is currently defined as follows:. It was a direct replacement for the AA certificate, the only difference being that the age limit was raised from fourteen to fifteen. In , following the recommendations of the Video Recordings Act, the 15 certificate was extended to cover video releases. While the increased age limit allowed the BBFC to be more lenient with regard to classifying certain films, it became clear towards the end of the s that an additional classification was needed between 15 and PG, as Hollywood in particular was producing an increasing number of films aimed specifically at young teenagers. Since these films were considered too strong for a PG, they were usually given a 15 certificate, thus preventing their natural audience from seeing them.
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I believe all stock certificates had to have a representation of a person on them at one time, so this is not so unusual. I remember the good old days of stock certificates. What a hassle. However, there was often some risque art on them.
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Monday 05 August UK News feed. Films depicting explicit sex and violence which were shown in cinemas with an 18 certificate are being sold on DVD as suitable for schoolchildren. The British Board of Film Classification BBFC , which is awarding lower age certificates despite some DVD versions containing material removed for the cinema release, claims public attitudes have changed. John Beyer, the director of Mediawatch UK, an organisation representing viewers and listeners, said, however, that the board was failing in its duty to protect children. It has no right to reclassify films just because it thinks times have changed," he said.
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The death certificate of Tupac Shakur is up for auction and might put paid to the idea he faked his own death. But this piece of memorabilia might put an end to the conspiracy theories. The year-old was shot twice in the chest, once in the arm and once in the thigh, and he died six days later in hospital from internal bleeding. An auction on gottahaverockandroll.
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