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Real Bikers Beware, The Legend has died!! - Review of Buffalo Chip Campground

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First off this was my 4th trip to sturgis over the past 6 years. I have stayed at a couple different campgrounds and the people travelling with us have done some different options such as vrbo home rental and camping downtown in someone's yard. Our choice to stay here was a roll the dice and see what we get sort of thing Showers were cold if they even had water too short to stand under, dirty, cramped, one tiny mirror in front of the sink for all the women to get ready with. Food was brutal - I don't think French fries that are cut up and deep fried constitue hash browns. The breakfast in the pavilion did look good but I wasn't waiting over an hour In a dirty beer hall for it.
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First off, I rated it poor because a couple of the concerts were so good. I've been going to the chip for over 20 years now and have watched it steadily decline as a biker campground for the past 10 years. It used to be a real biker hangout with plenty of bikes, naked girls and partying.
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