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I know a thing or two about sending nudes. Snapchat sex is the best sex. Notice I said Snapchat. From Gawker :. A college student named Nyjah, who goes by dearfashionn on Twitter, became an overnight internet celebrity when she inadvertently texted a nude photo to her dad instead of her dude. That looks more realistic.
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Girl left MORTIFIED after online advert for her sofa accidentally includes a STEAMY photo

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Girl's online advert for her sofa accidentally includes TOPLESS photo |

Somehow, some way, this woman ended up posting a bunch of nudes to Facebook by accident. And it all happened while she was trying to pay tribute to a dead relative. Truly, truly heartfelt words there. But the way she ends the post is particularly notable And so, here's where we get conflicted. Obviously, it's unfortunate that she suffered an apparent loss.
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Girl Accidentally Sends Nudes To Her Father, Shares Embarrassing Ordeal With Internet

Sign up or log in to share. He'll likely at least show them to his best friend. I know I would unless they were from a girl I wanted to date or something. He may also hold on to them for blackmail material and um My suggestion would be to get with him in person as soon as possible and make sure he's deleted the pictures.
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Found on Ask Reddit. This was a really crazy and stressful part of my life. I had no idea that my pictures were posted until a lawyer from California messaged me on Facebook informing me.
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