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More leak: Another bootylicious slay queen releases photosUgandans News | Ugandans News

City model and glamour girl Doreen Kabareebe became the talk of town when her semi-nude pictures were splashed all over tabloids. The year-old was dressed in a see-through mini dress, her butt all out as she held onto singer Jose Chameleone. This was at the Sisqo concert last month at Kyadondo Rugby grounds. The pictures were followed by lots of insults on social media and radio presenters had a field day discussing the issue. But Kabareebe was not bothered - she still hit the night clubs clad in eye-popping outfits.
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Bell All Star Tour is coming to your town. Click here to find out when. Astagafullah Astagafullah was our expression when we chanced upon a folder of over nude photos taken by a Ugandan lady, a one Ahmed Zaitun. The photos were meant for her boyfriend according to ground sources. Sources have it, that Zaitoon Ahmed has been disturbing the marriage of one of her friends and was once caught red-handed with the husband of the friend.
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She completed this look with large hoop earrings on red heels Desire Luzinda is clad in a black spaghetti dress with a neon green jacket which she completes with white sneakers and a red leather handbag. This is how I'm rolling this Friday She has been busy the whole week shooting theLwaki Wekoza video.. Desire Luzinda's looks of seven years back when she did songs like Nina Omwami, Baswaze reflect a chocolate skin complexion but now, she could easily pass for a Chinese.
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