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The Fire Nation is one of the world's four nations and five sovereign states. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord and home to most firebenders. Geographically , the nation is located along the planet 's equator in the western hemisphere and is composed of several islands. Its capital is simply known as the Fire Nation Capital. The Fire Nation is the second-largest nation in terms of area, following the Earth Kingdom , while its economy is the most powerful in the world; its strong industrial sector and extensive technological developments not only enabled the Fire Nation to create an extremely powerful military , but also initiated the worldwide modernization and globalization. Before the foundation of the United Republic and the following global technological revolution , it was also the strongest and most advanced country in the world.
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Pic: Varun Dhawan poses with Lord Ganesha in Raja's avatar from 'Judwaa 2'

Yes, that happened. The company has now issued an apology to the victim and its community, and says it has determined how the hacker was able to infiltrate its system so it can prevent future incidents. The mother of the child, whose avatar was the victim of the in-game sexual assault, was nearby when the incident took place. She says her child showed her what was happening on the screen and she took the device away, fortunately shielding her daughter from seeing most of the activity. The mother then captured screenshots of the event in order to warn others.
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James Francis Cameron [1] born August 16, is a Canadian filmmaker and environmentalist who currently lives in New Zealand [2] [3] [4] and the United States. He then became a popular Hollywood director and was hired to write and direct Aliens ; three years later he followed up with The Abyss He found further critical acclaim for his use of special effects in Terminator 2: Judgment Day After Titanic , Cameron began a project that took almost 10 years to make: his science-fiction epic Avatar , which was in particular a landmark for 3D technology , and for which he received nominations for the same three Academy Awards.
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