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Carries apartment perfectly reflects her character and personality. The walls of the set are a soft shade of celery green washed with a shimmering lavender glaze, these colours sound peculiar, but they work well, and they reflect the subtle experimental personality of Carrie. Designer Conway built the coffee table himself, which was exactly what he imagined for Carries apartment. The bathroom sink and bathtub are filled with beauty products, most of which are designer. The kitchen contains an assorted collection of utensils and the fridge is plastered with magnets and family photos. As Carrie is a journalist there are books, newspapers and magazines scattered in her apartment, everything from Mademoiselle to Vogue.
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What would Carrie’s apartment on Sex and The City look like in 2018?

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The Many Apartments of Carrie Bradshaw on “Sex and the City” - IAMNOTASTALKER

Take a look at your space and see if a change in floor plan could make this happen! I love nothing more than art that breaks the rules and Carrie did this perfectly above her bed. Consider placing your frames off-centre and benefit from making the space feel more relaxed and casual. Mixing new pieces with vintage finds is a great way to add interest, too. If you have an ensemble bed, consider pulling it out from the wall and popping a shelf behind it.
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Carrie Bradshaw’s Apartment from Sex and The City

Based on good faith and late night reruns alone, there are few shows that sit so fondly in the memories of millennial and Gen-X women. Forgetting about the two Sex and the City movies for a second, Modsy gave the apartment a overhaul, pretending that Carrie and Big never married and moved out. Carrie Carrie Bradshaw was a style icon, a relationship aficionado, and was always armed with the perfect one liner. Her apartment, unlike her wardrobe , had a lived-in and relatable quality that reminded many of us of our own homes.
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Does that make anyone else feel old? Image credit HBO. Want to see your home designed in 3D?
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