Peeing and pooping
Singapore English. Kao Worldwide. A baby's pee and poo are said to be a barometer of his health condition. When you are changing your baby's diapers, do remember to check the diaper before disposing it. If you discover something abnormal, bring your baby's diaper along when you consult a doctor. Do not delay in seeking medical help, especially when you discover blood in your baby's poo.
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What to Do When a Child Poops or Pees in the Bathtub
Why the NHS wants patients to poo, pee and be sick | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian
A squatty potty or toilet stool can make it easier to have a bowel movement, particularly if you're dealing with constipation. But is it worth sitting on one just for peeing too? A toilet stool or squatty potty can help you empty your bladder more completely, experts say. To understand why, it helps to know a little bit about how the whole urination process works.
Why the NHS wants patients to poo, pee and be sick
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At some point, the kid is going to go 1 or 2 in the tub. When it happens, remember to relax. Bath time may not always go exactly according to plan , but it should still be a relaxing time for you and your kid.
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