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Anatomy of the vulva

The female reproductive system includes external and internal genitalia. The vulva and its structures form the external genitalia. The internal genitalia include a three-part system of ducts: the uterine tubes, the uterus, and the vagina. This system of ducts connects to the ovaries, the primary reproductive organs.
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The Anatomy of the Vulva

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Understanding female anatomy — My Vagina

There are so many parts and structures that make up the female sexual and reproductive anatomy, so you get a pass if you aren't deeply familiar with each and every one. No, what you see on the outside is NOT your vagina. Despite popular use, vagina isn't a general word for the entire swath of bodily real estate below your hips and above your thighs. Vulva is the general term for the external parts of the female sexual anatomy.
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If your three body cavities are putting pressure on each other, the result can be hernias and pelvic problems. The perineum is the area between the vulva and the anus, between the thighs. The pelvic floor is critical for supporting pelvic organs, keeping us going to the toilet effectively, and enjoying sex. You can feel where you're at in your cycle by feeling your cervix - is it high, soft and wet?
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Each one of us is beautiful and unique. But, for those of us with a vulva and a vagina, physically we all have the same anatomical parts and functions. Have you ever truly studied your own anatomy? Do you know where your inner labia begin? Could you draw your vulva from memory?
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From: Conor(38 videos) Added: 12.05.2022 Views: 761
Category: Public


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