Funny april fools jokes for roommates
Sign up for our newsletter and get a curated list of the top trending stories every day. You've probably seen a lot of April Fool's Day jokes floating around and some are trolling Canadians so hard. While you might fall for them for a minute, they're pretty hilarious once you figure it out. Here are six Canadian pranks that you can laugh at.
#tbt: Ivy League Pranks
The 69+ Best April Fools Jokes - ↑UPJOKE↑
Is your tough-guy husband secretly terrified of bugs? Get it? Eyes on your diet? OK, bad jokes aside, adding googly eyes to the food in your fridge is a funny albeit weird way to get a giggle out of your spouse, roommates or kids — just make sure to remove them before taking a bite. Step 2: Cut the shape of a large bug from a piece of paper and tape it to the inside of your lampshade. Step 4: Wait for your friend or loved one to turn on the lamp and run screaming out of the house.
April Fools' Day Pranks For Kids to Play on Grownups
February 02, Last night when he should have been in bed reading, my son and I huddled under his covers, bathing in the light of my iPhone while we googled the perfect April Fool's prank to play on his dad. Since his father is a somewhat gullible man who's also been startled by a snowman he himself had built only 6 hours earlier, the task should not be monumental. And since he tends to be credited as the more fun parent, regardless of scaring easily, this is my chance to gain some ground.
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