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Her anal passage

What is pruritis ani? Pruritus ani is a bothersome and sometimes intense itching or burning sensation of the skin around the anus rectal opening. It is most noticeable at night or after a bowel movement. The most common complaint is an irresistible urge to scratch. Some people will note occasional bleeding when wiping after a bowel movement.
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Anal Stenosis and Anorectal Malformations

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Anal canal - Wikipedia

My 3 month old daughter was diagnosed with anal stenosis after several bouts of stool infrequency, two of which lasted ten days without a bowel movement. We had to give her babylax to make her go. Her doctor wants her on a glycerin suppository, broken in half, two times a day. Is there any other treatment? Will she become dependent? He said it may take four months or more of this treatment. Could diluted juice help since she's almost four months old?
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Anal Itching (Pruritus Ani)

As far as benefits from from trying anal fingering, the most obvious is that you already have the tools you need in order to get started, well , on hand. Furthermore, anal fingering is an incredibly intimate experience. Now for the fun part: The ultimate anal fingering guide to teach you, once and for all, how to finger your butt.
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The human body works hard to maintain even the most routine, mundane functions, including the movement of stool through the digestive system. If the muscles that eliminate your stool can't do their job correctly, you may experience uncomfortable problems such as chronic diarrhea or constipation. Fortunately, a diagnostic technique known as anorectal manometry can help your gastrointestinal specialist determine the reason for your fecal incontinence or constipation, revealing the way toward successful treatment.
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From: Hobart(44 videos) Added: 28.05.2022 Views: 719
Category: SFW


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