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Treetops fun zone games

On this page you'll find the walkthrough for Spyro's Tree Tops level. It's known to be one of the more challenging levels of the Spyro games. Head into the first room and kill the Banana Boy and his big brother, the Strongarm, for two Blue Gems. Continue up the steps and kill the next two Strongarms to collect a Green and Blue Gem, then continue onto the balcony and kill the two Banana Boys for their Blue and Green Gems. Kill the two Strongarms in the lower area for a Gold and Blue Gem, ignore the Strong Chest, and hop up the steps, picking up three Red Gems along the way. As a heads up, when you go off the next Supercharge ramp, there will be a Sealed Chest in the landing zone you can only break while Supercharging.
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Treetops fun zone games

California's Great America , often shortened to Great America , is a acre 45 ha amusement park [1] located in Santa Clara, California. Operated by Cedar Fair , it originally opened in as one of two parks built by the Marriott Corporation. California's Great America features over 40 rides and attractions, and one of its most notable is Gold Striker , which has been featured as a top-ranked wooden roller coaster in Amusement Today's annual Golden Ticket Awards publication. Ownership of the park transitioned several times, beginning with the city of Santa Clara's acquisition from Marriott in
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From: Elsdon(30 videos) Added: 20.07.2022 Views: 661
Category: SFW


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