Asian home senior

Elderly care , or simply eldercare also known in parts of the English-speaking world as aged care , serves the needs and requirements of senior citizens. It encompasses assisted living , adult daycare , long-term care , nursing homes often called residential care , hospice care , and home care. Because of the wide variety of elderly care needs and cultural perspectives on the elderly, it includes a broad range of practices and institutions. For example, government-run elderly care is seldom used in many Asian countries, where younger generations often care for the elderly. Elderly care emphasizes the social and personal requirements of senior citizens who wish to age with dignity while needing assistance with daily activities and with healthcare. Much elderly care is unpaid.
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Our commitment to ensuring health equity for the Asian American community involves addressing social determinants. AASCSC is a c3 entrusted to serve and protect our most vulnerable and underserved as they progress through different stages of life. Founded in , AASCSC believes in an intergenerational approach to building a stronger, healthier community through direct services, advocacy, and capacity building.
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