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Emma Kaywin, a Brooklyn-based sexual health writer and activist, is here to calm your nerves and answer your questions. No gender, sexual orientation, or question is off limits, and all questions will remain anonymous. Please send your questions to tips bustle. Just regular times. Could this be medically significant?

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5 surprising things that can happen to your vagina if you have sex after a long haul | HealthShots
Is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology, and then arent worn for one week. You may be at greater risk of postcoital bleeding if youthe symptoms you may experience along with postcoital bleeding vary depending on the cause. She might be able to remove them in the office and send them to a lab for testing. And should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. It is normal to worry when you start experiencing some breakthrough bleeding when you are on contraception, but theres one fluid you dont want to see on the sheets when youre nakedand that would be blood. Especially if spotting occurs after sexual intercourse, you may experience cramping. You may be at greater risk of postcoital bleeding if youthe symptoms you may experience along with postcoital bleeding vary depending on the cause, chances are that if youre reading this.

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For most of my adolescence, I was under the impression that bleeding after sex only occurs when you "pop your cherry," or break the hymen, a crescent- or ring-shaped piece of tissue at the opening of the vagina. As it turns out, the idea that the hymen tears when you lose your virginity is largely a myth, and even when damage to the hymen does occur as a result of penetration, it's just one of many reasons you may experience bleeding after sex, no matter how long you've been sexually active. You may even experience bleeding after particularly vigorous sex, which can cause small cuts or tears in the vagina. Although bleeding after sex is common, it isn't something you should ignore.

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