Boy becomes man

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The boy goes unnamed throughout the novel. As the man and boy travel on the road, the boy is the only source of light in his father's life. Similarly, the man is all that the boy has, and the boy doesn't want to live unless his father remains with him. The boy is strong and resilient, but also sensitive and compassionate. When the man and boy encounter others on the road, the boy shows more sympathy towards them, while his father is more concerned about keeping the two of them alive. It is the boy who is able to get the man to show kindness to others on the road, however begrudgingly such kindness is given. One of the boy's top priorities is to be a good guy.
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To quote the ever-so-quotable Lee Corso, "Not so fast, sweetheart. The difference between these two titles follows, first, a difference in behavior. But, what exactly constitutes manhood? Being a man is about handling business and maintaining respect in all aspects — for yourself and upon others. Becoming a man is about learning from the mistakes of your youth.
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From: Lojza(53 videos) Added: 29.06.2022 Views: 840
Category: College

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