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Full text of "Dr. Myles Munroe Reclaiming God's Original Purpose For Your Life"

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Myles Munroe has written several books on the subject of marriage and relationships. This is no surprise because the core of his messages all through his life was on the Kingdom, transforming followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change. No one can truly live the life of the Kingdom without understanding how kingdom relationships work, and the height of the relationships being marriage.
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I bet you will want to read this blog post to the end. Do you doubt? Stick with me and answer this question in the most sincere way. Do you ever wish you can peep inside the marriage of great couples in the world and find out exactly what they do to make it work? Although late, DR.
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From: Nefen(58 videos) Added: 23.06.2022 Views: 853
Category: College

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