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Submitted by lyricsera at Wednesday 10th of October Last updated by lyricsera at Thursday 22nd of September Jack Black Biography. This is a song for the ladies But fellas listen close.
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Fuck Her Gently (music video) | Tenacious D Wiki | Fandom

It is the sixth track on their self titled album. The singer contends that he is speaking to "the ladies ", but advises men to listen as well. The theme of the song is essentially that women sometimes need to have their needs attended through gentle, romantic sexual encounters. The refrain contains variations of this sentiment: :"I'm gonna fuck you He then offers to engage in the woman's favorite sexual position and inquires about the woman's favorite food.
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Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently Lyrics

I love Spumco. In the beginning of the video, a demon was were tiger-striped shorts. That one is edited.
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The fact that this song is still here on youtube gives me some small hope that it's not completely doomed. Watch this video on tenacious D's channel also so they can increase in recognition. Will forever remember my Dad screaming this to the stars, trying to stay awake at an overnight car rally. Love him.
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From: Nien(50 videos) Added: 03.06.2022 Views: 869
Category: College

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Fuck her gently video jack black
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Video сomments (5)
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