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Lindsay lohan ankle bracelet

For the time being, the ankle bracelets are only sold to the courts, probation officers and others who want to make sure drunken drivers or anyone involved in alcohol-related offenses don't drink again. One of the devices was slapped on Lohan's ankle Monday by a judge angered because the actress didn't show up for a hearing last week in Beverly Hills, Calif. It's her second go-around with the bracelet - and she's not the only celebrity to sport one. Rapper-actress Eve wore one and ex-basketball star Jayson Williams was forced to earlier this year. The gadgets are much like the better known electronic ankle bracelets that have been used for years to restrict suspects or parolees to their homes.
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Lohan's Ankle Bracelet Detects Alcohol Use

Celebrities' ankle bracelet no mere fashion statement. Whenever Lindsay Lohan so much as sweats, it is required that some journalist, somewhere, write a story about it. So here is that story. After all, you can learn a lot about people from their sweat. If they've been exercising or eating cloves of garlic.
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Lohan’s ankle bracelet has Breathalyzer technology

Usually, they come in the form of a thick ankle bracelet. Wearing GPS ankle monitor is a search, yet apps track your location every 3 minutes The Supreme Court says tracking a person via GPS ankle bracelet, to know the individual's location at all times. Secondary location monitoring allowing the device to use cell towers when GPS unavailable. S along with the federal government use ankle bracelet monitoring to track the movements and activities of defendants awaiting trial and convicted offenders currently on parole or probation. In many instances, a range can be set by a judge or probation or parole officer, which determines how far an individual can move around.
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For the time being, the ankle bracelets are only sold to the courts, probation officers and others who want to make sure drunken drivers or anyone involved in alcohol-related offenses don't drink again. In the meantime, the Denver-based company is focusing on the corrections market, she said. One of the devices was slapped onto Lohan's ankle Monday by a judge angered because the actress didn't show up for a hearing last week in Beverly Hills, Calif.
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From: Stanhope(57 videos) Added: 09.08.2022 Views: 519
Category: College

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