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Smoke suffocation fetish

Expert says actor David Carradine may have engaged in risky practice for decades. The year-old actor was found dead in a Thai hotel room closet in an intricate web of ropes -- one around his neck, another around his genitals and the two tied together, according to Thai authorities. Sex experts say that Carradine's advanced age suggests that he may have been a lifelong practitioner of the secretive and dangerous practice, one that can go fatally awry. Los Angeles Superior Court documents of Carradine's divorce put online by The Smoking Gun show that his most recent ex-wife, Marina Anderson, accused the actor of "deviant sexual behavior which was potentially deadly. Also known as hypoxyphilia, the practice is a sub-category of sexual masochism that involves reducing the oxygen supply to the brain while masturbating to achieve a heightened orgasm.
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Timeline: Deadly Cheshire Home Invasion – Hartford Courant

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Second part of 'Smoking Mistress' series. Can be read alone but story is enhanced if you read part one first. The haze of smoke and perfume hung over me, taunting my cock and making every breath loaded with Christina's scents.
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Smoking Mistress Ch. 02

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William Petit is found outside; the bodies of his wife and daughters are inside. JULY 31, Gov. Jodi Rell calls for a special session to consider tougher crime legislation and orders electronic monitoring of paroled burglars. The Courant argues the affidavits should be unsealed. Rell also orders a review of convicts out on parole.
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From: Tojarg(46 videos) Added: 30.04.2022 Views: 320
Category: College

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