Teen mothers in college
We know that educational attainment can impact generations. Our family-centered model is built on this premise and allows us to work directly with families who have been historically excluded from educational opportunities while also driving systemic change. Learn more. In addition to providing direct, two-generation support to teen parents in college and their children, Generation Hope advocates nationally for the needs of parenting college students and provides technical assistance to colleges and universities to increase their capacity to serve this population.

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Generation Hope
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Former 'Pregnant Girl' Builds Support To Help Other Teen Moms
Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. A phenomenological study: The lived experience of teen mothers who graduated from high school and attended or completed college. Under the direction of DR. GREG A. WIGGAN The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to 1 explore the lived experience of teen mothers who graduated from high school and attended or completed college and 2 discover the school factors that contributed to their academic success.

Northern Adelaide Senior College outreach program helping teenage mothers continue education. Paige Murray used to joke with her friends about becoming a young mother, but finding out she was pregnant at 16 was still a bit of a shock. She has been focusing on finishing her high school education at Northern Adelaide Senior College, with month-old baby Iyla in tow.

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