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Created by writer Marv Wolfman and penciller Gene Colan , his first appearance was in the comic book The Tomb of Dracula 10 July as a supporting character , but later went on to star in his own storylines. Devoting his life to ridding the world of all vampires , Blade utilizes his unique physiology to become the perfect vampire hunter ; while originally depicted as a human immune to vampire bites, Blade was retroactively established to be a dhampir following his adaptation as such in Spider-Man: The Animated Series and the Blade film series. The character has been substantially adapted from the comics into various forms of media, including films, television series, and video games. Mahershala Ali has been cast as the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe MCU media franchise, debuting with an uncredited vocal cameo in the film Eternals ahead of his upcoming standalone film
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From: Duff(63 videos) Added: 19.04.2022 Views: 586
Category: College

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