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All the horror stories about the pain or the…ahem…potential byproducts yes, sometimes poop comes out are typically borne of faulty prep and faulty practice. But with the right method—and the right toys! Step one? The butt plug. Butt plugs are sex toys that anyone with an anus, regardless of genitalia or orientation, can use during partner play or solo masturbation. Butt plugs do pretty much exactly what their name suggests: They plug up your butt.

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In humans , the anus from Latin anus meaning "ring", "circle" [1] [2] is the external opening of the rectum , located inside the intergluteal cleft and separated from the genitals by the perineum. Two sphincters control the exit of feces from the body during an act of defecation , which is the primary function of the anus. These are the internal anal sphincter and the external anal sphincter , which are circular muscles that normally maintain constriction of the orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. The inner sphincter is involuntary and the outer is voluntary.

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