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But it was the creation of the World Wide Web in that revolutionized our history of communication. The inventor of the World Wide Web was the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee who created a system to share information through a network of computers. Here I want to look at the global expansion of the internet since then. This chart shows the share and number of people that are using the internet, which in these statistics refers to all those who have used the internet in the last 3 months.
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Here's how internet users breakdown across the world | World Economic Forum

Written by, Andriana Moskovska. Almost everyone uses the internet nowadays, whether for social media, doing research, paying bills, or entertainment. But have you ever wondered just how widespread internet use is? Or how many people in the UK have access to high-speed connections? In January , an estimated 65 million people in the UK used the internet. This is an increase of 0. But how many homes in the UK do not have internet?
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Connecting for Inclusion: Broadband Access for All

We would like to use cookies to collect information about how you use ons. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve our services. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Internet access in Great Britain, including how many people have internet access, what they use it for and online shopping.
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According to Speedtest Intelligence , fixed broadband speeds in the country have increased over the past year, from a median download speed of Fixed broadband upload speeds in the market have improved by a greater margin, from 4. Looking at performance across in Southeast Asian markets, Singapore and Thailand continue to maintain a sizable performance gap compared to their regional peers, with both achieving median fixed broadband download speeds in excess of Mbps during Q4 There was also clear separation in performance between Malaysia Of the remaining four markets, Brunei and Laos achieved speeds of close to 30 Mbps, while Indonesia and Cambodia were the slowest fixed-line markets, recording median download speeds of
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