Hook up plantronics headset
This feature enables you to use the controls on the headset to perform basic call operations. For example, not all headsets have a hold button. Call controls are only supported in the Genesys Cloud web browser client and the desktop app, they are not supported in the embedded clients. To use the built-in call controls on a Plantronics headset, you must have a WebRTC phone assigned to you.

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Plantronics Headset Pairing To Office Phone

Configure a Plantronics headset - Genesys Cloud Resource Center
On Jul, the state of California made it mandatory to use hands-free technology for cell calls for all drivers 18 and over who want to talk while driving. This under ban strikes me as a good idea, as driving accidents are the leading cause of death for that age group. In Washington state, where two TidBITS editors are located, text messaging while driving is explicitly banned; in California, and-up drivers can be pulled over if a police officer decides the driver is distracted and unsafe. I live over the hill from Silicon Valley and travel there frequently via a winding two-lane highway. Commuters from both the local university town and Silicon Valley have driven me nuts for years with their horrible driving habits while talking on cell phones.

How to Put a Plantronics Bluetooth in Pairing Mode
Headsets connect over a telephone or to a computer , allowing the user to speak and listen while keeping both hands free. They are commonly used in customer service and technical support centers, where employees can converse with customers while typing information into a computer. Also common among computer gamers are headsets, which will let them talk with each other and hear others, as well as use their keyboards and mice to play the game. Telephone headsets generally use ohm loudspeakers with a narrower frequency range than those also used for entertainment. Headsets are available in single-earpiece and double-earpiece designs.

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