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How sexually active are nude teenagers

By Andrea Burzynski. NEW YORK Reuters - More than one-quarter of teens engage in sexting and those who send explicit photos of themselves are more likely to become sexually active a year later, according to a study published on Monday. But the study, reported in the journal Pediatrics, did not find a link between the sending of sexually explicit photos and texts with risky sexual behavior over time. Temple, an associate professor and psychologist, and his team used anonymous surveys to study nearly 1, second- and third-year high school students in Texas. Twenty-eight percent of teens said they engaged in sexting. Adolescents who sent explicit photos of themselves to others during their second year of high school were more likely to say that they had engaged in sexual activity the following year than other adolescents.
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How sexually active are nude teenagers

Kids and parents on what happens when intimate images and info go public. So we are seeing a lot of kids who are sexually active. There's nothing coy about this 21st century amorous pursuit. Children as young as 12, who aren't sexually active , are sending explicit, provocative and even pornographic images to their peers. Click here to ask Internet expert Parry Aftab a question. Aftab will answer questions live on "GMA" Thursday.
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How are Youth Using Technology to Explore Sexuality Today?

HealthDay —Fewer U. The proportion of high school students who've ever had sex decreased to 41 percent in , continuing a downward trend from 47 percent in and 53 percent in , according to data from the U. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The decrease is mainly driven by a decline in the number of 9th and 10th graders having sex, according to the report by Kathleen Ethier and colleagues at the CDC.
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Note: This page is formatted for screen readers. See the PDF for an alternate format. Humans have shown clear interest in portraying and communicating about sex and sexuality since the earliest days of humankind. Cave paintings depicting sexual acts gave way to ever more sophisticated descriptions in print and visual media as communication technologies evolved. With the advent of the internet, social media, and mobile apps, vehicles for sharing sex-related information, stories, images, or "hook-up" opportunities have opened possibilities previous generations could not have imagined in their wildest fantasies.
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