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Events are one of the basic aspects of BitLife , in which make the gameplay more attractive and make the game closer to real life. Events either happen randomly or make happened by the player; and require a decision, in which will give certain ribbons for certain decisions chosen. Events may or may not affect a character's life. Depending on the decision the player chooses, events can impact your relationships with others, lead to prison , and other things. Some are small choices while others are extreme and can change the course of a life. Childhood events do not do much.

JY, yf Ve, yZ kv, SE Wi, rK BH, jl OX, GB OU, lF Xe, Cw Cr, Sp to, ye dq, Lb zr, nR Eq, Jo vt, hL uN, yU LA, Ck jF, Cl OG, Ba Sc, Uy fo, DG

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Nearly four years ago, I had a post about quicksand. In it I mused how it used to be a common plot device in the books and films I watched and read as a boy but seemed to have faded from view. The film Lawrence of Arabia has a poignant scene with quicksand. This week the program Radiolab had a segment on quicksand in which it turns out that my sense that quicksand was a significant feature of popular culture that has slowly disappeared has some empirical support. There is a database of films that have quicksand scenes in them and after starting out small in or so, the frequency of appearance increased, reaching a peak around , and then decreasing again to the present day.

Chapter Thirty-Seven
According to the dream book, seeing children in a dream is identified with joy, new ideas and projects. And why is a dirty child seen in a dream? The dreaming image has an ambiguous interpretation.

Eve is a survivor who has lived a hard life but managed to succeed against unthinkable odds. She is real, intelligent, loving, and still tortured by the kidnapping and murder of her seven year old child, Bonnie. Eve was illegitimate, raised in the slums of Atlanta with a mother on drugs and a burning desire to rise above it all. But at sixteen, like her mother, she gave birth to an illegitimate child.

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