Object penetrated vagina
She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health. Bleeding after sex can be confusing and alarming. It's also called postcoital bleeding. The amount of blood that you may see after having sex can range from a scant amount to a heavy, sheet-soaking puddle.

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Sexual penetration

Sexual penetration - Wikipedia
Back to Health A to Z. Vaginismus is when the vagina suddenly tightens up when you try to insert something into it. It can be painful and upsetting, but it can be treated. Vaginismus is the body's automatic reaction to the fear of some or all types of vaginal penetration. Whenever penetration is attempted, your vaginal muscles tighten up on their own. Occasionally, you can get vaginismus even if you have previously enjoyed painless penetrative sex.

Common Causes of Trauma to Your Cervix
Sexual penetration is the insertion of a body part or other object into a body orifice , such as the vagina , anus or mouth , as part of human sexual activity or animal sexual behavior. The term is most commonly used in statute law in the context of proscribing certain sexual activities. Terms such as " sexual intercourse " or " carnal knowledge " are more commonly found in older statutes, while many modern criminal statutes use the term "sexual penetration" because it is a broad term encompassing unless otherwise qualified any form of penetrative sexual activity, including digital i.

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