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Heather Anne Mills born 12 January [1] is an English former model, businesswoman [2] and activist. Mills first came to public attention in , when she was a model and was involved in a traffic collision with a police motorcycle in London. The accident resulted in the amputation of her left leg below the knee, but she continued to model by using a prosthetic limb and later sold her story to the tabloid journal News of the World. She began a relationship with Paul McCartney in The couple separated in , and finalised their divorce in After her marriage to McCartney, Mills became involved in animal rights advocacy and as of is a patron of Viva!

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Attraction to disability

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Attraction to disability is a sexualised interest in the appearance, sensation and experience of disability. Sexologically , the pathological end of the attraction tends to be classified as a paraphilia. Until the s, it tended to be described mostly as acrotomophilia , at the expense of other disabilities, or of the wish by some to pretend or acquire disability. Bruno systematised the attraction as factitious disability disorder.
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