Slut take it

So, your friend is being passed around and it's apparent to everyone but her. We know that having to be the bearer of bad press is always a tough spot to be in -- what if she reacts defensively and winds up mad at us instead? Ugh, girls. To be a female best friend implies that you are also your friends' PR agent.
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The Psychology of Promiscuity and Slut Shaming | Walnut Hill OBGYN

Women who have slept with 10 men have been called sluts. Women who have slept with one man have been called sluts. Women who have never had sex have been called sluts. Eleven-year-old girls have been called sluts. Laura Ingraham was called a slut by Ed Schultz, simply because she was politically conservative.
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Polite Obedient Slut Takes It - Mandy Muse

Slut-shaming is the practice of criticizing people, especially women and girls, who are perceived to violate expectations of behavior and appearance regarding issues related to sexuality. Examples of slut-shaming include being criticized or punished for: violating dress code policies by dressing in perceived sexually provocative ways; requesting access to birth control ; [5] [6] [7] having premarital , extramarital , casual , or promiscuous sex; or engaging in prostitution. Slut-shaming involves criticizing women for their transgression of accepted codes of sexual conduct, [12] i. Slut-shaming is used by men and women.
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How do college women decide whether to have sex on a hookup? We illuminate this question here by an analysis of transcripts of qualitative interviews that one of us Ford conducted in and with women students at an elite private university. The study from which we drew these interviews was focused on unwanted sex—everything from sex that students consented to but felt ambivalent about, to sex involving physical coercion. Our interest in this blog post is what we learned from women whose experiences were not physically coercive, but were nonetheless difficult because of their awareness of their vulnerability to these three labels. Participants were recruited by a screening survey in two introductory sociology courses and by recruitment flyers placed around campus.
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