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Aydin Coban was accused of extortion, harassment, communication with a young person to commit a sexual offence and possession and distribution of child pornography. The jury presiding over his trial in the B. Supreme Court handed down its unanimous verdict one day after deliberations got underway. Cheers of "yes" rang out from the teenager's mother and supporters when the verdict was read out.

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IOM Bangladesh: Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis Response - External Update (20 - 26 April 2018)

Euroins şi-a majorat capitalul social cu 2,2 milioane lei, la un total de milioane lei
Automobile companies are gearing up for a record number of launches in the coming months as the semiconductor shortage that has plagued the industry eases. EV vs. RIL, other refiners pitch for deregulation of domestic gas. What does free pricing mean?

Euroins şi-a majorat capitalul social cu 2,2 milioane lei, la un total de 532 milioane lei
National Coming Out Day is this week, and I have found myself recalling when my own child came out a few years back. Sometimes coming out it is a decisive declaration, but for our gender-questioning kid, coming out looked more like a meandering process of discovery. We are so grateful that our child felt safe to share those conversations and realizations with us along the way. At first, we just focused on making sure that our child was loved and accepted, and we tried to listen and to understand. But as my husband and I talked alone, we admitted that we felt uninformed and completely out of our depth.

IOM held a strategic meeting with all protection staff to address needs and challenges and integrate a common plan for the upcoming cyclone and rainy season. Emergency preparedness activities are ongoing to identify emergency distribution points, emergency plots, health facilities, and havens in all IOM-managed Camps. New arrivals are living in spontaneous settlements with an increasing need of humanitarian assistance—including shelter, food, clean water, and sanitation. Additionally, with the rainy season fast approaching, there is an urgent need to continue strengthening preparedness measures and raise awareness among the refugee population regarding potential landslide and flood risks. In order to respond to these risks collectively and comprehensively, IOM continues to work closely with the Government of Bangladesh and the humanitarian community.

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