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Catholics and masturbation

Search Search. Menu Sections. THE Roman Catholic Church is diluting its belief in the existence of angels and strengthening its opposition to the death penalty. In addition, it says that masturbation need not always be regarded as a sin.
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How and Why to Stop Masturbating – The David L. Gray Catholic Podcast – Podcast – Podtail

God designed sexual expression to unite a man and woman in an intimately loving embrace that is total, faithful, free and fruitful—and thus in marriage. Consequently, masturbation is a sin against the Sixth Commandment , because it violates the God-inscribed unbreakable bond between the love-giving and life-giving aspects of the marital act see CCC Instead of the intimate and mutual self-giving that is the hallmark of the marital act, masturbation—and whether within marriage or outside of marriage —is an act in which one turns selfishly inward. Masturbation attempts to dualistically divorce the physical behavior we choose to engage in from shaping our self-identity, as if the former had nothing to do with the latter. Masturbation fails to see that our bodies are not something we have but are essential to who we are and how we express ourselves as human persons, as body-soul composites CCC In his address to a group of U. Bishops in September , St.
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What Religion Gets Wrong About Masturbation

My husband was raised as a Catholic then decided to explore and adopt a different faith tradition as an adult. I met him when we were both attending a non-denominational church. We've gravitated to the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, where we've raised our children. My question is of a personal nature, regarding masturbation. I was raised to acknowledge Jesus' teaching that when we fantasize about others, we lust with our minds, and can covet people other than our spouses.
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It took two centuries after the discoveries of Galileo for the Catholic hierarchy to quietly concede that the Earth orbited the sun. Sipe, a psychotherapist, believes scientific advances in the field of sexuality have similarly left the church lagging. He argues that the national Catholic sex scandal and coverup are only symptoms of a great illness within the church.
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