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When Emily met her now-husband Kobe in China, he was a working underwear model and she was incredibly in shape. Emily saw her body changing considerably during their two-year COVID-induced separation while Kobe awaited his K-1 visa to travel to the US and be with her and their son. When she gave birth to their first child, she realized that she was not quickly bouncing back to her pre-baby figure. Emily also became pregnant with a second child once Kobe joined her in the United States. However, she has since made strides to get back in shape. Emily openly expressed her fears over Kobe seeing her for the first time in two years due to how much her physical appearance had changed.
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Everything you need to know about model and social media star Blac Chyna, from her relationship with Rob Kardashian and his famous family to her kids and more. The legal drama is rooted back to when Chyna claimed the family were responsible for influencing E! Pictures: Getty. Although its not officially clear where the couple met, Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian have known each other for years.
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From: Jason(33 videos) Added: 16.05.2022 Views: 246
Category: Spank

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