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Nothing seems to go well for Dallas and its stars when these two teams hook up, and it was a particularly frustrating day for coach Mike McCarthy. After indicating he hoped to see progress against other professional athletes and to have his players avoid ending up in fights, his team carried out the opposite. In the midst of the Broncos dominating the Cowboys on both sides of the ball once again, Ridgeway went down with a leg injury that indicated something may have happened to his knee. The "Vanilla Gorilla" was escorted off the field under his own power by the medical staff. Reporters on the ground at training camp in Oxnard, California, indicated Ridgeway appeared to be moving around fairly well, but will remain under watch by the training staff.
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There are numerous dating apps for Trump supporters. Jeremiah Cummings, a year-old man from Colorado Springs, Colo. A growing number of politically themed dating apps and websites are helping them sort through potential matches based on their support for the president. As party polarization in the United States increases, the creators of these tools are banking on the belief that sharing political views is an important indicator of compatibility. According to the American Family Survey , the overwhelming majority of Americans who are married report that their spouse belongs to the same political party.
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