Full french vintage
Every now and again we come across something from the past which embodies a truly lost art. Decades ago, Alan Flusser was among the first New York retailers to offer pocket squares made by the venerable Parisian firm Simonnot-Godard, which has been in business since the 18th century. The squares are woven from very fine cotton and linen, with expertly hand-rolled edges meaning the edges are tightly rolled and finished with stitches by hand. This produces a clean and delicate dimensionality that even the best machine-stitched edges lack. On his most recent visit to our shop, the owner of the firm showed us something which slightly surpassed even his own current product: samples from a decades-old cache of pristine vintage squares he acquired from a shuttered mill. This might seem like a pretty small detail to sweat, but the edges are the most prominent part of the square, which is in turn displayed in the most prominent part of the jacket.

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Set of 2 vintage white porcelain pitchers from Limoges

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Discover our collection of French leather club chairs. Since the nineteenth-century, French leather has been renowned for its exceptional quality. Leather club chairs were designed and handmade in France and you can still find original vintage pieces today - we are proud to offer them in our range. The leather used for club chairs is actually sheepskin. The village of Basane is famous for it's tannery - today skins are tanned with the same vegetable composition that has been used for centuries. An average club chair will use up to nine sheep skins.

The 2022 guide to choosing and caring for French vintage club chairs
Vintage French stock is located in our Milton Keynes Stockroom. Tiggy, who organizes our UK operations, will be very happy to meet you there, by appointment, to peruse our stock in person. We are able to discount all our web prices in Milton Keynes, with the view that you are able to pick them up in person.

Product even better than described. Loved how it was packed with some extra little treats and personal touch The decanter was packaged very carefully, arrived promptly and was beautifully presented.

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