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By Richard Price for the Daily Mail. He was so grateful to the man who discovered him - the film's flamboyant director Stephen Daldry - that he promptly left his down-to-earth family in Teesside and moved in with Daldry and his then partner, stage designer Ian MacNeil. It was an intense relationship, with Daldry assuming the role of surrogate dad to a teenager whose biological father had never played any role in his life. After appearing in the film, which told the story of an year-old boy who becomes a successful ballet dancer in the face of huge prejudice, Jamie was catapulted to instant fame and fortune. He moved from a post-war semi to a 15th century manor in the Home Counties, and from a working-class area to a metrosexual acting crowd that moved between London, New York and Los Angeles.
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Based on a true story, this stylishly produced British drama centres around two superbly involving characters whose real-life journey doesn't fit neatly into the usual formula. So the film continually surprises us with little details as it recounts a series of events over the course of about three years. And it's also a fascinating look at one of Hollywood's more uncomfortable truths. It opens in Liverpool, when Oscar-winning actress Gloria Grahame Annette Bening collapses while preparing to perform in a play.
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