Tiffany and Tweety got caught cheating on a test so they were sent to the principals office. The principal said he was going to expel them and call their parents. They pleaded for him to give them another chance and they came up with a plan. They decided to explore the bulge in his pants hoping to persuade him to change his mind. It definitely worked and soon after the principal was having his way with them. They revealed their sexy bodies and tag teamed his cock, sucking him wildly.
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Tags: boss , daughter , fucked , hardcore , blowjob , teen , blonde , big dick. Categories: Babes , Blondes , Hardcore , Teens. Boss's daugther Tweety Valentine fucked hard - I had to stop by my boss es home to get a contract before I went to work. His daughter was there to give it to me.
Tweety Valentine first began appearing in XXX movies in when she was 20 years old. Since her debut, Valentine has gone on to perform in nearly 70 videos. Her goal is to become incredibly famous and earn the title porn star. Valentine has performed in a variety of niches, such as hardcore, group scenes, lesbian content, interracial, and solo masturbation scenes.