Photos of clit piercings

When it comes to female genital piercing I have done some really exciting procedures and some extremely nice work. I have a great understanding of the female anatomy and I have been using only the best methods for female genital procedures, the highest quality body jewellery in the industry and of course state-of-the-art sterilization methods. With genital work, I typically work appointment only and prefer a sit down consultation prior to the work being done. If you are at all interested in female genital work and would like to know what types of piercings there are for you to choose from, here are a few of the most popular female genital procedures I perform:.
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Anatomy for a Clitoris Piercing ("Clit Piercing") with photos

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Category:Clitoral hood piercings - Wikimedia Commons

Don't miss out on the photos in this category because you're not signed in! Register and see more content for FREE right here! Can't access your account? Click here. We are an uncommon subculture and community built by and for modified people. We are the historians, practitioners and appreciators of body modification. We are the collaborative and comprehensive resource for the freedom of individuality in thought, expression and aesthetic.
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Your Guide To Clit Piercing (With Photos Of The 4 Best Options)

I received a message with a number of photos from a woman who was interested in genital piercing: I've been wanting to get a genital piercing for awhile now and even went to a piercing studio to see if they can do it. The piercer there said that I can only get a clitoral piercing or outer labia piercings. He hadn't done a clitoral piercing so I put it off. What is your opinion?
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While you might be able to just breeze into a mall and get your ears pierced on a whim, genital piercing requires a bit more expertise and research. Thankfully, Elayne Angel, a piercer who specializes in nipple and genital piercing and the author of The Piercing Bible: The Definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing , is here to explain everything you need to know about clitoral piercings. She recommends going to an expert who can consult you and guide your placement options to determine the best for you. Vertical Clitoral Hood VCH : Angel says this piercing is the most popular among the clit piercings because many women are anatomically suited for it.
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