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Women's pornography - Wikipedia
Offering exclusive content not available on Pornhub. The Pornhub team is always updating and adding more porn videos every day. We have a huge free DVD selection that you can download or stream. Pornhub is the most complete and revolutionary porn tube site. We offer streaming porn videos, downloadable DVDs, photo albums, and the number 1 free sex community on the net. We're always working towards adding more features that will keep your love for porno alive and well.
This is Bright Desire: feminist porn for women and men. It features a variety of adult content that includes all orientations, though the focus is on heterosexual sex. Bright Desire features exclusive erotic videos by Ms. Naughty, short films about sex, quality erotic fiction, reviews, columns and an archive of adult photos and movies.
Yeah, women. According to Rowntree, most of her female members chose to log on alone. Women, certainly, are not all alike when it comes to what turns them on.