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This transmission was used in the Jeep Wranglers in through We currently do not offer any engine conversion adapters for this transmission. We have installed several Atlas transfer cases to this transmission. The rear section of this transmission is the same circular bolt pattern with a 23 spline output. The transmission gear ratios are as follows: 1st gear is 2. We have devised a new gear reduction unit that bolts to the 42RE transmission, providing a reduction and allowing you to retain your stock transfer case ratio.
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The Jeep 42RLE Automatic Transmission

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42RLE Automatic Transmission | Recycled & Remanufactured Automotive Parts - Prime Parts Specialists

Maintaining your Wrangler's transmission will ensure you don't find yourself stranded out in the middle of the wilderness. Replacing worn bearings and gaskets before they fail completely is the key to preventative maintenance and keeping your rig rolling. The Wrangler might just be the most iconic off-road vehicle of all time. Part of owning a Wrangler is being as hands on as possible with your rig as possible. Anyone will sit and talk about the goods like the suspension and engine or differential, but what about the transmissions?
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The Ultradrive is an automatic transmission manufactured by Chrysler beginning in the model year. Initially produced in a single 4-speed variant paired with the Mitsubishi 3. A 6-speed variant 62TE was introduced in the model year and remains in production for several models as of The Ultradrive and succeeding transmissions are produced at the Kokomo Transmission plant in Kokomo, Indiana , which also manufactures other Chrysler automatic transmissions.
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Our 42RLE transmission sale is here. The Chrysler Corporation built this 4 speed automatic for Jeep applications starting in A decade later the 42LE became well known for its versatility and also for its flaws.
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