After all, the love you feel is powerful, unique, and special - generating a myriad of feelings and emotions begging to pour out. Before you delve into finding the right romantic sayings, take time to think about what makes your love for that special someone so perfect. Think about the physical traits: Is it his or her smile? Could it be those cute little gestures that make you smile? Maybe it's the color and texture of the hair; or the emotion that is conveyed through eyes so beautiful you can't help but melt? Start her engine with just a few quick text messages.
Nailing down the best erotic poetry is difficult because preferences and tastes vary so greatly from person to person. This is great news! It means we have a variety of erotic poems to read that maximize and diversify our concept of sexiness. I landed on these 13 erotic poems that I think are genuinely sexy for one reason or another. Poems with sensory detail so rich that I feel embodied in the poem itself also make a strong case for eroticism.
Desire and intimacy are very much a part of Love, and these erotic poems prove that sex need not be sordid or ugly. On the contrary, between two people very much in love with each other, sex can the most beautiful and natural thing in the universe. Warning: While we don't publish anything even mildly salacious or obscene, most of this material is intended for a mature audience. Top All-Time Favorite Poems!
By Sharla Rae. I thoroughly enjoyed the chopping off of heads, sex, creepy zombies of the North, sex, war, slaughtering of animal, and did I mention steamy sex? Afterward, I ran to my computer to write a blog and came up empty. I stared at the blank screen waiting for inspiration. Visions of chopped heads, sex creepy zombies, and more sex danced through my head.