The most effective and commonly used surgical procedure for the clinically obese is called gastric banding which is when a laparoscopic adjustable gastric band is placed around the top portion of the stomach, this procedure is not usually invasive and can be performed via Laparoscopic surgery or, keyhole surgery as it is more commonly known. In Billy Robbins case, he was too large initially to receive the life saving operation and had to go onto a strict calorie diet, which may not seem too extreme to people of normal size and weight but when you have been consuming calories a day it is a massive reduction. Eventually, after losing two and a half stone, he had the first of a three step surgical plan, devised by surgeons in Texas, who specialized in this type of procedure. Then after 3 months of hospital care and continued dieting, during which time his weight had come down a remarkable pounds, he underwent the second phase of his surgery. This second phase was to implant the gastric band that would limit the amount of food that could be eaten, a month after this he was allowed to go home having lost a further 70 pounds.
Sign in. Kelvin Harrison Jr. Watch now. Billy Robbins is the world's heaviest teenager. At 19 years old and weighing over pounds in Houston Texas, this TLC documentary special follows his attempt to lose the weight that is killing him. Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video.
How ‘Half Ton Teen’ Billy Robbins Was Saved by Weight Loss Surgery
I followed the series, and I'm happy to know Billy is getting better. Yes I too have managed to see the next couple of the bodyshock series and it was lovely to see Billy at the end narrating and alot thinner. I have tryed to google Billy to see any further progress but there doesn't seem to be much out there. Hopefully he is living a happy and content life now.