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Former Chargettes cheerleader Lynita Stuart came forward in a documentary titled 'Sidelined,' which detailed how the entire squad was abruptly fired after members posed alongside other NFL cheerleaders in the December issue of Playboy. Lynita Stuart was just 20 years old when she joined the San Diego Chargettes — a decision that came with dire consequences. Still, she wanted the opportunity to reconnect with her former teammates 40 years later. My curiosity got the best of me.
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Kansas cheerleaders punished for alleged naked hazing incident

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University Of Kansas Cheerleaders Describe Naked Hazing Ritual

A coach told a cheerleader to 'get over it' when teammates from her Albuquerque high school took pictures and videos of her showering naked and posted them online. The coach did not take any action against the perpetrators, but told the victim it was a joke and she should 'get over it,' according to a lawsuit filed in federal court, even telling the girl that she should apologize for 'overreacting'. The lawsuit, which moved to the US District Court in Albuquerque last week, alleges that cheerleaders at West Mesa High School used a coach's smartphone to capture the images and footage of the year-old girl showering during a cheerleading camp in Phoenix in Cheerleaders at West Mesa High School used a coach's smartphone to capture images and footage of the year-old girl showering. Her teammates made fun of the girl's body and posted a video on Snapchat, the court documents said.
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Cheerleader told to 'get over it' after nude photo shared

When the Washington Redskins took their cheerleading squad to Costa Rica in for a calendar photo shoot, the first cause for concern among the cheerleaders came when Redskins officials collected their passports upon arrival at the resort, depriving them of their official identification. For the photo shoot, at the adults-only Occidental Grand Papagayo resort on Culebra Bay, some of the cheerleaders said they were required to be topless, though the photographs used for the calendar would not show nudity. Others wore nothing but body paint.
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The cheerleading squad was placed on probation for one year in Sept. The incident in question took place on July 25, and the school began looking into it three days later. At the end of the summer camp event, according to the two cheerleaders, the six first-year team members were apparently told to meet by the football stadium wearing running shoes. After running up and down a hill a few times, they say they were instructed to lay on the ground as cheerleaders and alumni blindfolded them, led them into separate cars, and drove them to a vacant house to be hazed. The two cheerleaders say they were then asked questions, and if they missed one, they were forced to remove an article of clothing.
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